
Take advantage of the agile method, which is more than just a method!


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Have you heard of Scrum?

Scrum is very popular in project management. This method can be applied to almost all industries – regardless of the department – so it can be used by personnel, sales, marketing, and management.

The framework accompanies the daily processes. The goal is continuous improvement through self-organized teams and regular, frequent exchanges.

We can help you transform your traditional project management process into an agile, more effective one and create a contemporary corporate culture. Contact us today to learn more!

Scrum briefly explained

Scrum is an iterative method. Iteration describes a process of multiple repetitions to approach a solution. It is particularly suitable for the coordination and implementation of projects and can be applied to almost any type of project.

Scrum enables self-organizing teams to effectively communicate between team members and some disciplines within the project. Each project is divided into sections or sprints. Ideally, every sprint begins with a planning meeting and ends with a review of the process.

Scrum outlined in key points

Summary of what you need to know.

These are the key characteristics of Scrum:

  • A product owner creates a prioritized itinerary, the product backlog.
  • During sprint planning, the planning of a development cycle, the team divides the contents of the itinerary into segments, called the sprint backlog, and decides how to view and coordinate these segments in the process.
  • The team has a timespan, a sprint for working on a sprint backlog. This sprint always has the same length in terms of time. This promotes comparability of the sprint and a clear project assessment. In this process, the team meets daily or alternatively exchanges ideas to measure its progress. This is referred to as the Daily Scrum. Essentially, the exchange answers three questions:
    1. What has each person accomplished since the last daily scrum?
    2. Is there a delay? What is holding up the work?
    3. What will they have accomplished by the next meeting.
  • The Scrum Master ensures that the team works in a goal-oriented manner and that no disruptions hold up the process. No new or changed requirements are placed on the team. The Scrum Master is a leader in the modern sense.
  • At the end of a sprint, the work should be potentially deliverable.
  • The sprint ends with a review and a retrospective. The review examines and evaluates the result. The retrospective examines the process and records good implementations for next steps. Additionally, the question is asked about the less successful processes and how they can be improved.
  • With the start of the next sprint, the team selects another segment and the process continues in this manner.
  • This is done until the project is considered complete, either by stopping the work (deadline, budget, etc.) or by completing the entire itinerary.

Scrum can be seen as a framework for managing a process from start to finish.

The 3 roles in Scrum

Scrum Master + Product Owner + Scrum-Team

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master ensures that the procedure is followed, protects the team from disruptions, and creates the framework for success. The approach differs from traditional project management. A Scrum Master does not give the team direction or delegate tasks to individuals. They work as equals and are on the same level as the Product Owner and the Development Team in the hierarchy.

Product Owner

The Product Owner is usually the key player in a project. It is part of the Product Owner’s job to envision what will be created or accomplished. This vision is communicated to the Scrum team. In addition, the Product Owner is responsible for delivering continuous benefits while providing stakeholders with growth potential.

Scrum Team

The Scrum team is a self-organizing and cross-functional team. Teams can consist of individuals with a variety of job titles. Rank and title are of secondary importance. Following the methodology, everyone is expected to contribute in any way they can to make each sprint a success.

7 Scrum advantages

  1. Team-oriented and self-organized.
  2. Short and concise reports, rather than long and confusing documents.
  3. A cross-functional team works together as one unit.
  4. Close communication and lots of interaction.
  5. Maintains a rhythm for completing work within 30 days.
  6. Removes and rebuilds sections, rather than moving entire mountains. Every step follows a predetermined time interval.
  7. Team members are called upon to use their skills. Competencies are not separated. As a result, the team can develop. Talent is not lost in closed task areas and can be called upon whenever needed.


Our team of experts helps you transition from a traditional project management company to one with agility, efficiency, and an innovative corporate culture.


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